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Gastroenterology Fellowship Program Suggested Resources


  • Textbooks:

    • Yamada's Textbook of Gastroenterology: 2 volume set. One of most comprehensive and internationally recognized gastroenterology reference books, combining an encyclopedic basic science approach to GI and liver disease with the latest clinical thinking, especially in diagnostic and therapeutic developments.

    •  Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Each is 2-volume textbooks and cover comprehensive review for GI topics including hepatology, IBD and pancreaticobliary. Consider these books for a comprehensive review for a specific topic. 

    • CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy, 3rd edition: textbook offer comprehensive review for most of the GI/hep/IBD/pancbili topics. Good resource to increase knowledge overall. 

    • Digestive Diseases Self-Education Program (DDSEP): 2-volume books published by the AGA. It offers excellent review for most of GI/hep/IBD/Pancbili topics. It also includes board-style questions and detailed answers. It is available as an online, PDF and hardcopy books.

    • Schiff’s Diseases of the Liver 12th Edition: Evidence-based clinical reference work covering all aspects of liver disease, and is one the best hepatology textbooks.  It covers anatomy, pathology, testing, imaging, and effects of liver disease on other organs. Key features include: full color design, concise key concepts box in every chapter, treatment guidelines and management algorithms for every disease. Approximately 100 multiple choice questions of the standard used in ABIM board exams in gastroenterology, to allow the user to self-assess their clinical knowledge  All 450+ figures from the book in a high-quality, fully transportable and downloadable electronic format High-quality video clips of a variety of surgical procedures, all fully linked to the text 35 case studies featuring real-life clinical scenarios.  

    • Transplantation of the Liver 3rd Edition 

    • Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Third edition. Chandrasekhara, Vinay: It is comprehensive text book that covers everything related to endoscopy including pre-procedure, endoscopy room sitting, sedation, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy. It contains around 100 videos and over 1000 images. 


  • Guidelines: 

    •  ACG, AGA, ASGE, AASLD, EASL guidelines: Each society publish guidelines related to their field and updated every few years (when new data become available). Most of these guidelines contain a summary of their recommendations. Reviewing these guidelines provide high yield information and practical guides for daily practice. 

    • AASLD Guidelines

    • ACG Guidelines 

    • AGA Guidelines

    • ASGE Guidelines

    • EASL Guidelines


  • Board review:​

    • **How to prepare for GI boards**

    • **GI Board Exam Blueprint**

    • Mayo Clinic: It provides a review of core knowledge in GI. Board oriented. The content is organized based on GI organs and include liver and pancreaticobiliary. Has good graphics and images. It also includes board style questions and answers at the end of each chapter. 

    • ACG online self-assessment tests (SAT): produced yearly in conjunction with the Postgraduate Course. It includes approximately 300 new questions in a single best answer format with detailed answers and annotated references. Many of the questions also include photographs, illustrations, or videos. It is grouped into content specific categories such as liver, IBD, pancreatico-biliary, and colon. You may work on the questions at your leisure and save your progress as you go. After answering each question, you are immediately notified if you answered the question correctly. You are given a detailed explanation of the correct answer and why the other choices are not correct, as well as supporting references linked to PubMed for further study. Your scoring profile, including overall and category scores as well as comparison data to your peers, is also available.

    • AGA SAM: free for members. Online modules with questions and answers. 

    • ASGE’s Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Self-Assessment Program (GESAP 9). 10 modules. Each contain multiple questions with images or videos and answers. 

    • Steinberg: GI board review live-course. Optionally you can purchase access online videos/audios for previous courses, colored syllabus and access to online practice exams (800+ questions).  

    • Gastroenterology and Hepatology Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, 3rd Edition: study aid structured as short questions and answers. It contains over 3500 questions and 100 images. Good book to review before the ITE and boards to test knowledge and weakness areas. 

    • DDSEP 9 (See text books). There is also an app with questions/ answers and explanations which are easy to do on the go. Dr. Aggarwal have a subscription if anybody would like to check it out.

    • Acing the GI board exam: it is 4-book series (general GI, hepatology, IBD and pancreaticobiliary). short clinical vignettes on one page and brief answer highlighting associations with the disease on the opposite page. It contains lots of “weird” GI cases that comes in the board and include “buzz” word. This is NOT a comprehensive review of GI topic and not for day to day reading. Excellent resource before ITE and GI board. 


  • Multimedia:

    • ACG Educational Universe: An online learning resource provided by ACG. Requires membership with the ACG. The contents include:  Video lectures (From ACG postgraduate courses), ACG grand round, important articles, learning modules (capsule, hepatology, sedation and others), and tools and techniques videos (hemostasis, EMR, others).


  • Endoscopy:

    • Atlas of Clinic Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (3rd edition by Wilcox, C. Mel): Excellent atlas reference, include many endoscopic pictures, pathology slides and radiological images with brief description. This book is easy to ready and excellent resource. You can access this book through Sladen library online. 

    • ASGE videos: ASGE library contains multiple endoscopic videos for purchase. Also, ASGE members have access to “video of the week” which are short videos with multiple endoscopy tricks and tips. 


  • GI/Liver Pathology Textbooks:

    • Diagnostic Pathology: Gastrointestinal (2nd edition). Author: Joel Greenson, MD: It cover all aspects of GI pathology with images – including gross pathology, a wide range of pathology stains, and detailed medical illustrations.

    • Scheuer’s Liver Biopsy Interpretation (10th edition). Author: Jay Lefkowich, MD


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